bioTrack Plus Data Use Policy
This bioTrack Plus Data Use Policy (“Policy”) establishes the terms by which your Data (defined below) is shared with others when using bioTrack Plus. Use of bioTrack Plus is subject to Terms of Use. Please refer to Terms of Use for terms not defined within this document.
Our Guiding Principles
AgSights is committed to protecting the privacy and security of our customers’ data. Non-personal data on animals will be shared with other owners of that animal who also contribute data to bioTrack Plus. Data is amalgamated and analyzed to add value through benchmarking and genetic evaluations.

The Data bioTrack Plus Collects
bioTrack Plus is designed to collect and help you analyze different types of data generated on your farm: Farm Management; Livestock; and Land data. Data points may include, but are not limited to:
- Business locations, owner, worker and third-party contact information
- Premises identification numbers and boundaries
- Inventories (livestock, feed, medicines, etc.)
- Account holder Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) account number
- Individual animal identifications
- Events of account owner’s choosing (add, remove (sale/death), pedigree, movement, synchronization, heat detection, breeding, measures, scoring, health)
- Photographs and documents (e.g. vet prescription, visitor log)
- Comments
- Cost/revenue data
- Account holder target production parameters
Collectively, these data sources are considered “Data” in this Policy. Categories are meant to be a general guide and are subject to change with system enhancements over time.
Your Ownership of Data
You are the owner of your Data. AgSights believes that ownership should give you the right to share, download, and delete your Data. You agree that you are the owner or have obtained the permission from the owner of any Data you transfer, share, or upload to bioTrack Plus, including any Data you authorize to be transferred from a third party. If you allow a person, third party or service to upload your Data on your behalf, you agree that such person or service has permission to do so. You release AgSights from any claims that someone else owns the Data uploaded to your account. You agree that you will not intentionally upload false or misleading Data.
Sharing Data with AgSights
By using bioTrack Plus, you give your consent to AgSights to anonymize and combine your Data with that from other AgSights clients, creating an aggregated dataset (“Aggregated Data”). Aggregated Data is anonymized by removing your personal information, such as name and phone number, and combined with other data so that other users cannot link Aggregated Data to you. You have no ownership rights to Aggregated Data. Aggregated Data can be used by AgSights for any lawful purpose.
Sharing Data with Others
bioTrack Plus is designed to allow integration of Data sharing with other persons, service and technology providers. Clients agree up front that Data on animals, excluding ownership and other personal Data, moves with the animal to new owners. Data added by those owners, likewise, moves backward to previous owners. AgSights works closely with the University of Guelph and shares anonymous animal data for research purposes only. AgSights will not share your personal Data with any person or company unless you provide your consent. AgSights will not sell your Data to any third party. AgSights has no intention of selling bioTrack Plus, but in such event, you will be provided notice by email and allowed to delete or remove your Data prior to the sale. All companies that provide services to AgSights and as a result have access to your Data must also abide by this Policy.
You may choose to share your individual data with specified people, and bioTrack Plus may make available functionality for you to grant those people access to your data within bioTrack Plus. You may stop sharing your Data with any person at any time by revoking their permission through your bioTrack Plus account. AgSights will not share your personal Data with anyone without your consent. Persons you may choose to share your Data with include:
Trusted Advisors. You have the option of granting certain “Trusted Advisors” access to view, edit, upload and download your Data. Trusted Advisors may include veterinarians, program auditors, pasture consultants, genetics suppliers, landowners, accountants and others involved with your farming operation. Trusted Advisors must obtain a user ID, login, and must also agree to be bound by this Policy and the bioTrack Plus Terms and Conditions. Trusted Advisors may not delete your Data.
Service / Technology Providers. bioTrack Plus may integrate with other service and technology providers, providing you the ability to share Data through links established between bioTrack Plus and these third parties. bioTrack Plus may provide the ability to generate reports compiled from your Data that you may share with your lenders. AgSights is continually working to provide users with options to transfer and share data among different companies and data platforms. When your Data is transferred or shared with a third party, your use is subject to that third party’s policies and contract terms. Likewise, bioTrack Plus may allow you to upload Data directly from third party service / technology providers. bioTrack Plus will not share your Data with other service and technology providers without first obtaining your consent.
Other persons or entities. bioTrack Plus may provide you the ability to share certain information with entities such as Federal and Provincial government organizations or insurers to assist with such things as regulatory compliance matters or insurance purchasing and claims.
Your Ability to Request or Delete Data
Upon request, a copy of your data shall be returned to you in a manner determined by AgSights. Upon termination of services, all personal data (business name, personal name, contact information) will be deleted upon request. In order to maintain credibility of benchmarking, analyses and genetic evaluations, animal data will be retained.
Your Data at Termination
Upon termination, your Data will not be deleted unless you request that. Upon request, a copy of your data shall be returned to you in a manner determined by AgSights. AgSights has no obligation to retain your Data following termination of your account.
Data Retention
AgSights will retain your personal Data as long as you are an AgSights client or until you request data to be deleted. Animal data is retained for the purposes of analysis, genetic evaluations and benchmarking.
How AgSights Stores Your Data
Data is stored on servers located in Canada rented by AgSights from reliable service providers. AgSights takes reasonable and customary security measures to protect the privacy and security of your Data. In the event of a data breach, natural disaster, or other unforeseen event that causes your Data to be deleted or compromised, AgSights will notify you by email or as required by law.
Limitations on AgSights’ Liability
AgSights is not liable for any damages that result from the disclosure of your Data to any person or company provided such disclosures are made according to this Policy. Further, AgSights is not responsible for a loss or unauthorized disclosure of your Data due to (i) an Act of God, (ii) catastrophic event, or (iii) a data breach to the extent not caused by AgSights’ breach of this Data Use Policy. AgSights makes no warranties that use of bioTrack Plus will increase productivity, efficiency, or profitability of your farm. AgSights cannot guarantee the accuracy of Aggregated Data and you should not rely on the same when making decisions on your farm. AgSights’ liability is further limited according to the bioTrack Plus Terms of Use.
Notification of Changes to this Policy
AgSights clients will be notified of any changes to this Policy. At that time, clients will have the opportunity to choose whether or not to continue using the system.
Questions about this Policy should be directed to:
209 Old Quarry Commons
294 Mill Street East
Elora, Ontario
N0B 1S0
Phone: 1 (855) 246-2333
Current as of May 2024